Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life is Good!

Oh man! So since I last talked to you it feels like a million days have flown by. I know that's not true but it's just insane to me how quickly time goes by.

So remember the guy I was telling you about? Well my roommate and I went and pranked his apartment the other night. It was pretty great, not gonna lie. We got Tinkerbell stickers and a Tinkerbell poster and pink streamers and put them all over their door and porch. It was so much fun, except for when some guy that didn't live there snuck up on us and scared us to death.But we got it done. They even left it up :)

We did it on Sunday night. Yesterday was a pretty rough day, but it was made suddenly better when at work a different guy that I know came in just to talk to me! Pretty much I didn't really stop smiling after that. Then I went to our stake FHE and guess who was there?! Both of these guys are apparently in my stake. I played football with Brian and then talked to my other friend for like half an hour before my roommates wanted to leave.

But it gets better!!! Today I was at work and I was late getting off (again) but I didn't mind too much because who do I see come in? Brian! he came up and asked me about a shirt and then later bought it when I was getting ready to leave. He ended up walking with me part of the way to my class. Oh man! Now if only I would get a date!! :)

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