Monday, September 19, 2011

This Is War

Alright, well as you can tell by the title I am in the middle of a war! It all started when we pranked Brian's apartment. I'm pretty sure I told you about that. Well they got me back last Wednesday! My roommate was fraternizing with the enemy and let them know when I would be home. I ended the night with a guy in a dog suit throwing a plate of whipped cream in my face. It was so funny!


We laughed until I got it in my eye...then I cried a little. But we had to get them back somehow!! We came up with a plan and executed it at 2am Saturday morning. We tied their door shut. It was pretty legit.

Then on Sunday we were all going on a "family" walk The rope was sitting their so invitingly so we happily went over to tie the door shut again. We were almost done when two of his roommates opened the door. Little did they know that they would only be able to open it like 4 inches. They were locked in for a good 15 minutes.


Since Saturday we've been on edge, just waiting. We have taken to keeping our door locked at ALL times. Somehow though tonight they still got in and they stole my mattress. But don't worry I found it. They had hidden it at my neighbors house. :)

It's time for a counter attack! Got any ideas?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life is Good!

Oh man! So since I last talked to you it feels like a million days have flown by. I know that's not true but it's just insane to me how quickly time goes by.

So remember the guy I was telling you about? Well my roommate and I went and pranked his apartment the other night. It was pretty great, not gonna lie. We got Tinkerbell stickers and a Tinkerbell poster and pink streamers and put them all over their door and porch. It was so much fun, except for when some guy that didn't live there snuck up on us and scared us to death.But we got it done. They even left it up :)

We did it on Sunday night. Yesterday was a pretty rough day, but it was made suddenly better when at work a different guy that I know came in just to talk to me! Pretty much I didn't really stop smiling after that. Then I went to our stake FHE and guess who was there?! Both of these guys are apparently in my stake. I played football with Brian and then talked to my other friend for like half an hour before my roommates wanted to leave.

But it gets better!!! Today I was at work and I was late getting off (again) but I didn't mind too much because who do I see come in? Brian! he came up and asked me about a shirt and then later bought it when I was getting ready to leave. He ended up walking with me part of the way to my class. Oh man! Now if only I would get a date!! :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi, My name is Clumsy.

Okay, so there's this really cute guy that lives in my apartment complex. And ever since I met him I've just continued to embarrass myself since I met him. It's been mostly little things so far but yesterday was probably the worst!

Alright, here's my tell all session. So I was at work and I was the only cashier open doing  purchases so needless to say I had quite the line. I was going through the line as quickly as I possibly could. I was almost to the point that I could see some light at the end of the tunnel when I looked up to ask a question to my current customer and I say this guy...we'll call him Brian...was standing next in my line.

I immediately started to turn red and my hands were shaking...I was a nervous wreck and I hadn't even talked to him yet. So I went to swipe the guys card and missed. Then when I looked up to ask him if he wanted a bag (after finally getting his card swiped) Brian was waving at me.


I turned even more red and when I went to put this kid's stuff in a bag I somehow missed the bag. All of his stuff went all over the floor and I had to chase hit water bottle around on the floor. When I finally got all of his stuff in the bag and handed the bag to him I was apologizing profusely! Brian was sitting there laughing hysterically and laughs even harder when the poor kid, after this whole episode says, "I didn't know I could have that affect on women!" followed shortly by "What time do you get off?"

I discreetly avoided his question and continued to help the line. Thankfully I didn't embarrass myself any further that day!