Thursday, April 28, 2011


Okay, so after a hectic few days. I had a wonderful surprise for me at home today...but I need to tell you about a couple things first :)

So first off! I started the week with a surprise...not a good one. My mother texted me while I was in class to let me know that I am going to be getting my wisdom teeth out. :*( I hate anything that has to do with needles, or doctors...and this definitely counts in that category of hates. So after that shock I was already stressed.

Then I left for work earlier than usual on Tuesday to go into the dress store and pick up my royalty dress. I was excited to get it and be able to show my mom after work. So running a little late I ran in, grabbed it and ran to work. It wasn't until I got home that I realized she had given me the wrong dress. Frustrated I decided that I would just go in the next day and switch it. No biggie right?

Wrong. I went in with the dress and had about a half an hour before I needed to be to work. I told the lady what happened and she apologized and proceeded to try to find my dress. It had been put on a wrack and was now "wrinkled". The lady apologized again and said it would only take her about 10 minutes to press it! I consented after she insisted that it needed to be pressed.

Needless to say, 25 minutes later I ran out with the right dress this time and barely made it in time for work. (Which was kinda nuts.)

So after that I realized that our first parade is only two days after I get my wisdom teeth out. I guess I won't really be able to do that...

So frustration after frustration was coming at me all week long and I just figured that I wouldn't be able to catch a break all week long.

But then today I ran home after school to change for work. As always I stopped by the mail box on my way in, nothing was in it. Then I walked into my house and Brenna was sitting on the couch. I said hi and walked to the table where she had thrown the mail. Right on top was a letter to me!!! From Josh (missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). A huge grin on my face I turned around and Brenna laughed and said, "I almost screamed when I saw it! I wanted to open it so bad!"

Needless to say I ran to my room and ripped it open and read it. He sent a couple of pictures with it and a talk by Elder Oaks called "Desire".

Before he left we agreed that there's not a point to waiting. And he reinforced it in his letter by telling me not to wait, to get a boyfriend and to quote him exactly, "no waiting for this knight in shining armor stuff! I mean it!"

I don't know but it almost seemed like he needed me to be in a relationship so that he could focus more. I think he almost keeps telling me these things to convince himself that I'm not waiting. I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird and very wrong! But who knows. :)

Oh, and I have to fill you in on my dream now. So for like the past 9 or so nights I've had the EXACT same dream. (That so doesn't mean it's going to happen right?)

What happens is, I'm living in my apartment and dating my next door neighbor. One night after school and work I am going to go grocery shopping. None of my roommates need to go so I head out alone. My boyfriend steps out of his apartment and asks where I'm headed. I invite him to go with me and he says okay.

We're in the cereal aisle and I'm looking for a specific type of whole grain cereal when he says, "Hey Taylor, what would you say if I asked you to marry me?"

I just kinda laugh and say, "I'd say yes." Then I pause and think to myself "wait a minute!" I turn around and see that he is down on one knee with a ring. I'm sure you can guess the rest!

It's so weird!!!!!

Then tonight I was talking to my roommate and she knows where which apartment is going to be ours and our neighbors are of course guys! Guys that she has met a couple of times. They happened to invite her to a dance party at their apartment and she wants me to go with her. Needless to say, I'm a little freaked out to go! I mean who knows what will happen!

Yeah...that's my week thus far. :)

J'adore printemps et Pâques!

I don't know about you, but I love spring! Even if, here in Northern Utah, it rains and snows through April. There just isn't a replacement for the feeling I get when I see the crocus poke it's head out of the frozen ground. And when I feel the sun on my face after the snow has melted it is almost as good as chocolate covered strawberries.

I am taking French and I love it. Our last chapter was all about sports. The one before that was summer. Studying these in the middle of Winter didn't help my mood at all. But it did make me even more excited when the snow started to melt this year. Now the snow is gone!!! I can't wait for the warm weather and flip flops!

Also, last Sunday was Pâques (Easter). In my Easter basket I got chocolate, the movie Tangled (which is AMAZING) and a CD from a band called "Heart". I have never heard of them before, but aparently they're a band from the 80's. I like them! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Could You Please Not Do That?

Have you ever just stopped to watch people? When they don't know you looking of course. And not in any weird creepy way. I mean have you ever just been really observant?

In case you didn't know, I'm kind of a fanatic when it comes to books. I love to read. Some of the books I read just amaze me, the things that people can pick up on by being observant and paying attention to their surroundings.

Along with loving reading I love to write. I had an English teacher that told me that the key to good writing is excellent observation skills. He then proceeded to tell me that, that is the exact reason I struggled. I decided to prove him wrong. So therefore I began the hobby of being as observant as possible. I have tried to notice the little things that happen. No matter how little they may be.

So by means of my people watching I have a story for you. I was at work today in the drive up not paying too much attention to the moniter when a tube dropped, but there was nothing in it and no car to be found. Then I noticed 3 kids, (two boys and a girl) they were about the age of 11 or 12.

Sending the tube back out I decided to watch and see what happened. I flipped my moniter to the camera that they were closest too and watched as they ran up and sent in another one. By this time I had a plan. I didn't even look at the tube yet and I just sent it back out. I watched them as they were just snickering and thinking they were hilarious.

Now it was the girl's turn to do it. She tried to be very sneaky not realizing that I could see every move she made. She pulled out a little mission impossible stunt and rolled to the side, crawled to the tube and right as she stood up to push the button I flipped on the mic revealing myself on her screen and said, "Hi, can I help you with something?"

She yelped in surprise and ran over to where the boys were. One of the boys thought that he was going to show me, so he tried to be even more sneaky. He stood behind the brick piller near the button and was reaching around to push the button when I came on again, "Could you please not push that?" I said.

He screamed higher than the girl and ran off towards his friends. It's obvious that they were just three bored kids bored and trying to have some fun. They stood on the curb for about 45 minutes jumping up and down and trying to get passing cars to honk.

Now this was just funny to me, and I'm sure they didn't think anything of it. (Even though I'm pretty sure their mothers won't hear a word about it.) But at the same time it caused me to think.

What about my life? I know there isn't anything watching me on a camera all the time, but someone is watching me. He may not be able to show up on a screen and say "Please don't do that." But that doesn't change the fact that he's there. And every now and then I'm sure he'd like to say, "Taylor what are you thinking?" 

How many times do we do dumb things without thinking how they may affect others? I don't know that I can count the times I have. 

Oh, and Happy Easter :)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring and Saturdays

Okay, so it's spring in cache valley. Which for me means, rain, sports, school ending, and family outings. Well Saturday was just like most in my family. Mom had a speaking assignment in Logan, Dad coaches Brenna's soccer team (They had their first game of the season), Porter had a water polo tournament...

Yeah, she's the tall one in blue :) 
Fighting for it

Throw in.

Porter Freezing at the game with me. Yep you guessed it! It was raining!

Half time. Dad is the one in jeans and the black coat.
Brenna struggled keeping her shoes tied...
Okay, so after her soccer game Porter and I went for hot chocolate. We were driving all over Hyrum and found this:

Needless to say we were laughing pretty hard! 

Oh! I finally wrote the missionary! It took me forever I know, but I'm so excited. I hope to hear from him soon!

For the rest of my Saturday I went with my mom. It was Prom, I didn't get asked, so I got my first ever manicure! So great! Then mom and I went to see the movie "Soul Surfer"! It was so good! One of those inspirational movies that make you look at your life and say, it could be worse. I highly recommend it.
I promised some pic's from Royalty...I just have some of me and Porter and Brenna...but it's better than nothing.

You've gotta love family!

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Venice Falls Maui Hawaii

It's spring break!! And I am anywhere but here. I do keep getting updates from a couple of friends that are there in Hawaii on what they're doing and how warm it is. I usually have to reply with, "Oh, well it's sleeting here."

Good Ole Utah.

So for spring break I have been working, chillin with family and going to movies. Just in case you were wondering, "I am Number 4." So amazingly great!!! I have seen it three times already and am taking my little sister to it tomorrow.

Oh, and the guy in it...SO ATTRACTIVE!!!

Other than that my family all went to Fat Cats in Ogden. It was actually a lot of fun. Before that we went to Stone, Idaho and got to spend some time with my paternal Grandma. She has been in a wheel chair for 43 years and can't really speak. No one really understands what happened. But My dad (Her baby) is one of the few that can understand her. It's often hard for us kids when we go to see her because we can't just talk to her like we do our other grandma. But she tries; and I love her so much.

I'm trying to get ready for what's coming next in my life. Graduation is coming up soon, right after that is my Great-Grandma's 90th birthday party. I'm kind of confused by this. A couple of her granddaughters insist on throwing a party for her, but with how bad her dementia is she's not going to remember it probably. She most likely won't recognize anyone there. And the whole time, to whomever stops to talk to her she'll say "They didn't tell me we were coming here. I didn't even get ready. Just look at me." It's sad that she has gotten to this point. But we still love her.

Two days after her party I leave for DC for a week! So Excited!! Then a few weeks after I get home, I have girls camp...I can't remember if I told you this or not...but I was called as an assistant camp director this year. It will be good. But I'll have to figure out how I'm going to beable to coordinate with our camp director since I'm going to the singles ward starting in May.

Right now, I am actually trying to utilize some sort of creativity that I might have and write a Science Fiction story...I'm at 30 some odd pages and surprisingly still going strong. :)

My little brother has switched sports for a season and is going to his 24 hour water polo tourney. I wish him luck. He's more brave than I am. My little sister is starting soccer and has her first game next week! I wish her luck as well. (Personally I think soccer is in the worst's too cold)

Well, that's about it for now....

P.S. Guess what!! I got 3 books the other day from Borders (They're closing) for like $10.00 Yeah! Saved myself $30.00 by waiting til they're 'bout ready to close for good!