Friday, October 7, 2011

A Beautiful Day in Logan

So on Tuesday Brenna didn't have school. Instead of going to my one class (we were just reviewing the test that I did pretty well on) I went and partied her. But it all started with a walk through Logan. I finally got some new batteries for my camera so I took a few pictures. We'll start with last week, and work our way up shall we? :)
It began with Brenna's all USU Birthday! I think this is the coolest cake ever!
We had a picnic on Old Main and went to the game.

Dad had his camera too :)
Overlooking the island
The beautiful clear skies after a down pour of rain
My dear sister Brenna. She's one of my best friends and I love spending time with her.

As I drove back up to my apartment I noticed how much the temple stuck out against the black sky, I had to take a picture :)