Sunday, February 27, 2011


Okay, so today as every Sunday, we were all rushing to get ready for church. I was basically I just needed to brush my teeth. My brother however was still in the shower, I knocked on the bathroom door and asked if I could just grab my tooth brush, he said yes. I opened to door and went to grab it, he asked me to shut the door because of the cold air coming in so I did. I quickly brushed my teeth since I was already in there and then went to leave. There was just one problem....The door wouldn't open!!! I pushed, I pulled, I tried to pull the door handle but it wouldn't budge. 

Frustrated I yelled for my sister Kaitlyn to come to the door. She also tried to get the door open and it still didn't make any progress. By this time my family is all on the other side of the door and laughing so hard that they're crying. (My dad, the only one I figured could help, was however not home.) I on the other hand am just getting more and more mad! Kaitlyn slid a couple butter knifes under the door (The only thing that would fit under) and I started to wedge them between the door and the wall. It didn't help at all however. Then I proceeded to take the hinges off the worked on "Ever After" it had to work for me too right?? Wrong! Little did I realize that the door on "Ever After" was hinged on both sides. Our door is not. So after that fruitless attempt I decided to give up for a minute.

Then we (Porter and I) thought that if we took the door handle off the door then that would have to help, right? I was wrong again. But for some reason it gave Kaitlyn an idea. After almost 35 minutes of being stuck in the bathroom we finally got the door opened!!

We weren't even late for church...but Brenna had a great time telling most of the people in our ward about the whole ordeal. Don't you just love these kinds of bonding moments??? ;)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Last night was an absolute blizzard!! Driving home from work I couldn't see past my headlights. Which was absolutely awful!! Then I woke up this morning and looked outside to see a fresh new foot of snow on my car. Combined with the snow from the past three or four days of storms it looked kind of like this walking to my car...

Okay, okay. So maybe I exaggerated just a little bit...but after a whole December and January of next to no snow to wake up to this I was a bit shocked. But I love it! I can't help but question however, why this only ever happens on the weekends. Instead of during the school week. I wouldn't mind missing class!!

Oh by the way, I went to sweethearts!! We had a lot of fun! For our day date we went to a friends house and just played wii games. (My favorite being just dance.) Later we went to dinner at the same house and it was so good!!! We had chicken parmigiana with stuffed noodles, and some wonderful salad with poppy seed dressing!! Needless to say it was delicious.


Then at the dance we went up to random people and gave them conversation hearts (of the Twilight version) that said things like "Bite Me", "Save Me", and my personal favorite "Marry Me". We got some really funny looks! :) And it was a great time.


The next week I went on a blind date, which was a blast! We went to Panda Express for dinner, I had never been there before and it was actually really good. I recommend their orange chicken! Then we went back to his house and played Harry Potter Scene It. To which I knew all the answers having played that game so many times myself. And finished off the night by watching "Despicable Me". Which was so adorable!! I loved it!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Okay, I have a confession for you! I am TERRIFIED of spiders! This past weekend I was home all alone; it was one of the most peacefull weekends of my life. But then Saturday night I couldn't get to sleep. I waited up for a long time hoping for a phone call from my brother telling me how he did. (Little did I know he wasn't going to call me because he was to busy being a STATE CHAMPION!!!)

Finally at about one in the morning I decided to just go to sleep, I could talk to him in the morning. But I couldn't get to sleep! I kept waking up every twenty minutes or so. At one point I "woke up" and there was a giant spider on the pillow next to me. Needless to say I flipped.

I didn't realize that I was dreaming until I had hopped out of bed, and hit my back on my bookcase. In the middle of yelling "Ouch! Ouch! Oh man Spider! Oh ouch." I  turned on my light and searched frantically though my bed covers. Of course there is no spider there. However, being me then I keep getting the phantom feeling that there is a bug crawling on me, even though there isn't.

Eventually around three in the morning I am able to fall asleep. I think I will chalk that night up as one of the worst I've had in a while though...

And let me inform finding a picture to go with this I almost hyperventillated.

Friday, February 4, 2011


My younger brother is 14 years old. He is one of the most amazing people I know. Right now he is swimming at the Utah High School's State Swim meet as a freshman! I am so excited for him! He is such a wonderful kid. He tries so hard in everything from school and church, to friends and swimming. He always works so hard and I am so blessed to have him as my little brother.

I wish him the best of luck and am keeping him in my prayers this week! The rest of my family besides my older sister and I are down there (at BYU) with him cheering him on. I have such a great supportive family.